Thursday, February 5, 2009

Reccomended daily allowance of laughter

This weeks lecture was very entertaining. Ellen Lupton was smart and funny. She told us of her "do it yourself" philosophy. This enables the layperson to be their own designer. She touched on the topic of self publishing and the importance of a toaster.

To be honest, I cannot remember much for all the laughing. she was so funny.

After the lecture we went to eat at Goode Company Seafood. It was amazing! The conversation was intense as well. We discussed the lack of connection with students and concept. We also talked about the need for unification in the city with design schools. The influx of ill prepared students is growing and the industry professionals could stem the tide by teaching. I am not so sure that is the problem. As a student myself I am trying to get my hands on anything that will inspire me to be a better designer. Lupton said photoshop was a gateway drug. Once a person learns how to use it they have the mentality that they are a graphic designer. The call themselves designers but they have no idea what that means.

I am now working in the HCC communications department. It s a production job making flyers, brochures, and posters. Everything has to be brand standard. The templates are all set up and it is basically plug and play. There is some creativity involved but not much. Right now i am taking this as an opportunity to refine my typography and get production experience. I really like what I am doing... so far.

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