They say it is not what you know, but who you know. and I am beginning to believe that is true. I know someone who got their internship when they unintentionally mentioned a teacher she had. And after weeks of not knowing if I would get an internship, I got on when I posted my need on Facebook. Jana contacted me and offered me the internship. She and I went to high school together; although we never really hung out, we had the same friends. Now don't get me wrong, I still had to interview and show my portfolio, but it made it easier.
Jana is still as convivial as I remember her. She is so excited about her job and is eager to make it the best she can. She has inspired me to want to produce great work to help her with her goals. The office is a friendly place and everyone seems very nice. I am looking forward to seeing what happens in the future.
I was given the job that strikes fear into the hearts of graphic design students... the dreaded annual report. LOL it is not that bad, but I am researching other annual reports for layout and content. I have made some headway and will see if this is something that Jana will like. Some of the other assignments are business cards and brochures. Since this is for the City of Houston I do not know if I am able to post the work I am doing until it is approved, so it will have to wait.
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