Tuesday, March 31, 2009

stale bread

Wow it has been over a month since I posted a blog. I hope I don't get counted off for it.

What has happened since the last post? Well, spring break came and went with no break. I had to work the break since HTV doesn't get spring break off. Ok, so last week I hit a little snag in my HCC internship. It wasn't a snag in so much as it was a lesson in client handling. I was creating a flyer for a job fair at one of the campuses and the client was not happy with the stock photo I picked. I listened to what they wanted and found what I thought would work... I was wrong. I then looked for something else to no avail. Finally, I had to get 10 pictures together and send them to be evaluated and NONE of them worked. I knew exactly what they were looking for, I explained that I am limited by the resources available to me (our stock photography service). If I cannot find it on the service, then my hands are tied. Ideally, I would prefer a photographer to go out and shoot the material, but with the time constraints it is impossible. Needless to say I was frustrated to no end but I kept my cool and talked to my mentor who then handled the problem. I know that may not happen in the "real" world, but I am proud of the way I handled the situation.